iOS Confessions: Episode 2 — iOS15 Prewarming logouts and our answer to the keychain not available.You may have seen lately, as reported on MacRumours, Twitter acknowledged users on iOS15 are being logged out. And they are not alone. We…Dec 1, 2021Dec 1, 2021
iOS Confessions: Episode 1 — Fixing broken principles.A huge part of maturing in Software Engineering, is realising that mistakes can happen, and thats fine, but it’s how you overcome them…Oct 25, 2021Oct 25, 2021
URLSession: Stubbing Network Responses for Unit TestsUnit Tests, by definition, are developed to test a single unit of code, in isolation.Apr 12, 20211Apr 12, 20211
Swift Storyboard Dependency Injection for data driven XCUITest’sHere we are going to take a look at one approach we can use to give our View Controllers a different ViewModel for UITests. Afterall, We…Dec 4, 2019Dec 4, 2019
Using URLSession’s DelegateQueue for a better Quality of ServiceOK, let’s jump straight in. You have a URLSession object, wether its a fully configured one, or the bare-bones, basic, shared singleton…Nov 25, 2019Nov 25, 2019
WWDC 2016 Platforms State of the Union round upAt this year’s WWDC we have seen Apple yet again push the boundaries of iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.Jun 23, 2016Jun 23, 2016
De- Mystifying Apple’s Compiler and String Comparison.So, turns out that many iOSDev’s are being fooled by what the following should return…Jan 28, 20161Jan 28, 20161